Wednesday, January 22, 2014

22 January 2014: Wednesday ... the clear, blue sky and bone chilling cold the day after the snowstorm ... shoveled and had to warm hands ... Dancer in back ... found my sock

I posted this silliness on the web this morning after I found it. Felt good to me.

I found it. I found it. Well, at least one of them. My missing sock hidden in the sleeve of a shirt that I'd folded and placed in the drawer. No cat to blame or mini-black hole in my house, it was there all the time,
within an arm's reach. 

What to do next after solving this MAJOR conundrum. The Big Bang Theory of course and the "search" for gravitational waves. If I can located one missing sock, what's a few waves or whatever in deep space.
A call to Stephen Hawking is next on the agenda."

Computer model of the gravitational waves coming from the collision of two black holes.
Image: MPI for Gravitational Physics/W.Benger-ZIB

Had a blast from the past as I walked Dancer tonight on the quiet streets of our

neighborhood. It's the chilling feel of air into your nostrils that begins to freeze the

moisture in your nostrils. I felt it most on the stretch leg from Sheridan Square to

Limestone Gardens via Nicholby Drive, which essentially circles the two neighborhoods

barring the section that it becomes Pickwick Drive in LG from Pecksniff to Limestone


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