Friday, April 25, 2014

25 April 2014: Friday ... first law mowing in 40 years with new Honda ... short workout at Y but saw Jamie K. and Pamela ... Nielsen gear installed by Allen & Mike ... haircut by Debbie Leago ... picked up dry cleaned shirts (still out in the car on this rainy night) ... got soaked in walking Dancer thru Limestone Acres on 1.5 mile walk

Saw Barbara Ehrenreich's, a confirmed atheist with a rational, humanistic view of life, interview with Tavis Smiley, a confirmed Christian and believer, as I used the Nielsen view box for the first time in the TV room after Allen and Mike installed the equipment this Friday, 25 April 2014. He did not convince her to disavow her belief system.

I loved this post which I Shared from someone I did not know but the interaction between daughter and father was just precious and so in synch. This father is truly and literally (with the ukulele and all) connecting with his child.

Kristen Tosh-Morelli oh, that was beautiful. so sweet!

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