Tuesday, April 8, 2014

7 April 2014: Rene visits while I'm at the Y ... mom calls as I spin ... cancel dad's AAA membership ... sign up for Nielsen ... Eleanor's contribution in dad's behalf to Am Cancer Society ... Associates rehearsal at Gordon's tonight ... misty walk with Dancer

Working out was a challenge today. I was, as Helena declared, the "token" male in Body Pump today, hiding back in the corner, but it was a good workout as only the maid from Brighton can do. She is tough on herself and her fellow practitioners. Afterward, the minutes went slowly during cycling/spinning with Carla. It went faster when she challenged us to a 2-minute pick-up to see if we could make a mile on our monitor. My first attempt went for .97 mile and on my second attempt, I went for 1.03 miles, so the encouragement was vital and I even boasted of my achievement. (I was in the first row next to the middle-aged woman with the great legs, always riding in the first row, next to John.)

During my spinning got a call from mom. A nurse, Rene, came to visit and she called out the front window about the key under the mat. 

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