I believe this was when Lindsay first arrived Friday evening and not on Saturday. It looks like early evening and dad was up when I got back from the airport with her. She arrived about 6:30 on her flight on U.S. Airways from Nashville (I waited, for the first time, in the cell phone waiting area with its lit-up board detailing flight arrivals. Hers was on-time. She texted me and then called me asking me where I was. I though she was still on the plane but she'd was getting off when she texted and headed straight to the exit door and sidewalk outside the U.S. Airway terminal.)
I had brought treats, one for mom and one for Lindsay, to give to Dancer and deflect her focus on mom's lunch plate of grilled ham/cheese, an overwhelming smell of delicacy for my pet's sensitive olfactory system.
Dancer gets a treat from Grandma Bowwow.
Just another look of delight on Dancer's face as she is petted by Lindsay.
Things Thankful/Unhappy about Today:
- The worker at the car wash taking extra time to clean the egg off the window of the Honda.
- Lindsay being here for an abbreviate though wonderful weekend.
- Wayne Gilmour's 23rd birthday and that of his father, 60th, yesterday, and the continued recovery of Jan from cancer treatment which is still ongoing.
- Lindsay having breakfast with me at Mary's Kountry Kitchen.
- The high school girls who bonded at MKK, one wearing a Conrad HS Cross Country jacket (she was in good shape), the other, unsmiling, poured us coffee, started to smile once her friend arrived. She looked better with a smile rather than a frown.
- Our server, a man, doing double duty, with a full arm tattoo, I gave $20.00 to for the bill and told him to keep the change (which I should have taken some because I didn't have singles to give a tip to the car wash attendants who dried the Honda ... had to buy an interior deodorant and get change via debit ... speaking of which, Lindsay pressed the right button at the News & Tobacco store and didn't have to sign her receipt as I did. Got a smile out of the attendant, an attractive in a hard way cashier, who gave me a nice smile at my comment.
- The chance to care for my parents, daily, and to receive an inordinate amount of thanks from them.
- But I am also chastened by my feelings of animosity at certain actions of my parents like my father coming down the stairs and getting the mail and then going through his routine of opening it and my mother asking for more anti-anxiety meds or pain meds. I lose patience and it shows in my voice and they are so vulnerable and so needy that I just need to put a lid on it, like Gail Emerson says she did with her mother and I guess her siblings.
- I also feel an animus toward Susan and her silence and her terse, short e-mails and inability to reach out and provide any sort of support for me other than the basics, the utter minimal amount of effort. It's probably in my head but I feel that I can do without it and can move forward.
- I am thankful for Delaware Hospice who answer the phone and call right back and ask whether I need the Xanax tonight or can wait till Monday. They are there for you.
- I am also disturbed by the silence treatment from so-called friends like Bob Hayman, who, I know are busy, but can't find the time to even call. Of course, I haven't sent an e-mail or made a call, either, but it is still such an isolating experience this thing called care provider (of course, I haven't phoned Elaine in over a month or Allison ... it just falls off the radar screen, so, I can't judge lest I be judged for my inactions ... I am guilty of the same thing).
- I am thankful that we got birthday cards from the News & Tobacco Store for Bob and Wayne Gilmour birthdays. Mom signed and wrote, haltingly, on her card and dad signed it.
- At this typing and soon-to-be closure, 7:41 p.m., Lindsay has not returned from the Gilmours birthday festivities and should I be worried. I am not but think I will text her when I shut down the computer in a few minutes.
- Salamet malem ... bonne nuit ... shalom ... peace be with you ... may it be so.