Tuesday, September 30, 2014

29 September 2014: Monday ... John & Kathe Webers ... Robin & Herb @ McGlynn's ... Associates at Brian's

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John & Kathe Webers, in town for the funeral of Goose's father, came for a wonderful visit and mom walked the hallway and showed off her artwork.

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Caught in the act.

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Portrait at the conclusion of their visit.

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Dancer luvin' attention from Kathe.

30 September 2014: Tuesday ... huge maple limb down on Nicholby ...

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It was Jim's send stop on his route and he brushed and caught this precarious limb on our aged maple and came crashing down and blocked Nicholby Drive completely. He called his supervisor and asked that I speak to him. It was dark and it was an accident and NC County Police came out and the transportation department sent a crew to chain saw the huge piece into movable sections which now reside on either side of the roadway waiting for pickup. When that will occur is a matter of speculation.

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The severe wound in our decades-old maple that has stood at our corner.

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Nicholby Drive was totally blocked by the downed limb. 

27 September 2014: Saturday ... 40th HS reunion ... Peach March in Wilmington ... Stomberg musical gathering at home

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

25 September 2014: Wednesday ... early AM epiphany/morphine ... mom's painting return ...

At a few minutes after 3 a.m. this morning I was awakened by mom's moaning and I went to her bedside and got her an extra dose of morphine, sublingually, .7 ml, and then returned to Barber's Adagio for Strings and then on WHYY, a piece that included of all things, our UU spiritual anthem, Spirit of Life.  Have never heard that on the radio before.
Why have I not been to A. C. Moore sooner to restock mom's artist supplies? She provided the impetus today and I purchased paints, an easel, pencils, two types of palettes, plastic sheets to mix colors and brushes. She took an old drawing of hers ... an Asian mother holding her baby and dressed in a sari and painted over it in browns and greens and some blue and she is so pleased. Had some difficulty with the camera and photo display on the iPhone but got it working and posted three (my most to date) photos of her enterprise this rainy, Thursday morning.


Large Hadron Collider started up on September 10, 2008 when
this Google Doodle appeared on the Internet search engine's web site. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

24 September 2014: Wednesday ... 4 x 20 Blackbirds ... yardwork (driveway and sidewalk clearing) ... walk around neighborhood ...

Did some yardwork (actually driveway work) as I used the Toro to lift and grind leaves and  limbs and then cut away the plant blockage of the sidewalk by our neighbor to the Limestone Road side of our property. It was extensive and filled the two cans with yard waste. Spoke with Chris. Parents (step-mother Lana and father Bob) are loving it in Ocala. Bob plays a lot of golf but is a handyman down there and doing a lot of home fix-ups for the close-knit community. Lana is much happier in Florida.

Skeesha came early and left before 11 a.m. Mom a little groggy today but did OK with her and she's eaten well today. Banana and Honey Nut Cheerios, tea, and prune juice for breakfast followed by a new favorite, cottage cheese with pineapple/mango cup, a cheese stick and tea for lunch. Afterward, as I left she began to sing the childhood nursery rhyme ... "Four & Twenty Blackbirds" from Sing a Song of Sixpence:

Nice walk with Peg tonight and Dancer around the neighborhood tonight. Glad she came over. We all got some exercise on a crisp evening in early Fall. 

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After the walk, we had Dancer up with mom for her treats. 

The beginning of the universe was an infinitesimal Black hole where time did not exist. God didn't have the TIME to create our world. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

23 September 2014: Tuesday ... 20 days since ... Why? ... watching Netflix movies ... caring for mom ... stuck in house ... Dr. Maged today ... First Day of Fall 2014

A gorgeous, chill, sunlit day today as Mom just yelled to me this midday, as she does on occasion and I'm watching Netflix with my earphones on, and initially, I am perturbed, but she told me that a nurse was arriving soon to see her. Did not get her name but the door is open on this crystalline-blue first day of fall in Delaware in the home, that is not mine, and where I feel imprisoned because that is my decision.

        Silver Linings Playbook with Jennifer                   Brad Pitt, starred in the zombie flick,
Lawrence, who won Oscar for role, and Bradley           World War Z, quite a decent film with superb 
Cooper in 2012, in a painting renderings of the end       special effects.
of the film where their love is expressed.                          

Leslie, a new nurse, young, petite and married, is here at this time (1:01 p.m .) checking mom. As all the other personnel from Delaware Hospice, she is thorough and professional and engaging. They were laughing a few moments before I typed these words. It feels good to be at least making an attempt to record feelings and events in my life. About 2 hours from leaving for my appointment with Dr. Maged, who is my named provider through Delaware Care. (I have it mentioned with the numbers for the service on my phone.)

The visit to Dr. Maged was so worthwhile. He's a listener and he provided me options and feedback that made me feel whole when I left. I'll have blood levels taken (after a 12-hour fast) in the morning and I've already secured medication for my mood swings from Pathmark this afternoon, which after presenting my Delaware insurance card, cost me a total of $1, after Divya reconfigured the amount.

My relationship, the physical one by necessity, with mom reached a new level today when I did what she did to me when I was a baby. I wiped her bottom with a washcloth and you just have to get over it and deal with it and not be embarrassed by it. There are needs and one just has to get on with it. I did and she did and we moved on.

I phoned my new and developing girlfriend (for wont of a better term), Peg, today about my appointment and I had a welcome ear. She listens, much like my doctor, and she is responsive to the needs of others and she provides solace and answers to life's challenges. She is a remarkable person who I am very fortunate to have got to know, whether through her guiles to mom-sit or not, it has been in that word often forsaken by UUs, a "godsend" in my life at present. Thank you Peg for being there for me and my mother. You have the heart of gold and a steel determination and wealth of knowledge and experience. I am lucky to be able to share in its bounty.