Monday, January 1, 2024

Last day of the year service and Kwanzaa lesson at UUSMC ... led by Anna Hull and festival teachers Gladys Smith and Michael Slater

 December 31, 2023

Well, here we go again. Another year closes shop, a new one beckons and like the deranged person repeating a failed path, many times over, I once again hope to make a positive change(s) in my life as I seek physical and spiritual wholeness.  

Gladys Smith and Michael Slater 
helped out UUSMC attendees with the 
history and meaning of Kwanzaa as she lit
all 7 candles representing the days of the festival. 

Seeds for the New Year was the title of today's service, the last day of 2023, and Anna Hull gave the homily and it connected directly to the padded insert like papyrus that I thought might be the writing pad for our resolutions for 2024, but no, they contained within their fibers, seeds of meadow wildflowers that when buried and then covered with soil will, with patience, sprout in the weeks ahead. It's something you can take to the bank when Professor Hull, who teaches biology and environmental science at Lincoln University, one of the first predominantly African-American schools in the United States. 

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