Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm "Dancer" in the rain ...

How to explain the title of this post ... well, it has to do with, you guessed it, precipitation. In this case,a h@#* of a lot of it. There was no rain Friday a.m. as I moved out the door to meet my dancin' dog, as usual, upright on his back legs just beggin' to be released to scamper and maraud about the forested area \, which is rife with deer and other assorted smells. Well, the forecast changed in mid-walk. The soon-to-be, let's call it a few shades less than a downpour, perhaps a miserably steady, soakin' rain, started and Dancer and I proceeded onward, undaunted by our progress toward complete sogginess. Now, don't get me wrong, I like to walk in the rain and this was no exception. It's exhilarating and you don't sweat, really, although you display a good impression of having endured a severe workout. And, by gosh (don't ever remember using the previous word in a written post), we needed the rain.

Today, Saturday, skies were clear and a beautiful sunrise peeked through the clouds to the east over the Savannah River. Windy, the leaves moved diagonally like a meteor shower across the Greeneway's walkway as Dancer ran and pirouetted over puddles in the woods to the side. He really is a gas to watch, so full of vibrancy and aplomb, I need to get Lexi and her together. They'd be quite a steeplechase pair together.

Well, my lovely and talented daughter, I wish you all the best on this beautiful weekend. Make time to smell autumn outside in between all your studying.


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