Friday, January 3, 2014

2 January 2014: Thursday ... snowstorm blows in the early evening and continues to accumulate as I type this note at 12:00 a.m. ...

After a return to Bark Park and muddy paw prints in the car, Dancer took the passenger seat and appears to be watching for the light at the intersection of Limestone and Milltown Roads. An hour later, the first snow storm of 2014 blew in with snow and cold weather. By the morning, about 4-5 inches had fallen and I felt weary and achy. Probably from being a little too active with working out at the "Y" and then walking Dancer.

Took the opportunity to travel on an evening when a snow storm rolled in and headed up Limestone Road on the way to Kennett Square to meet a person I'd met through a dating site and we'd exchanged e-mails and she was teaching a yoga class this evening. It was an opportunity to good not to take advantage of, but earlier in the day, I'd been active. Made it to the "Y" using my temporary membership and using the elliptical -- not my favorite, worked hard for 30 minutes to get a mile registered on the machine (they must tweak them to make them slower to register distance as the machine next to me, for 3 minutes more of working, I put up 5.25 miles on the machine) -- and later, took Dancer to Bark Park as it had been a long time visiting the dog landscape and walked for about 2 miles, then, it was onto Kennett Square for a free yoga class from Heide as the snowstorm approached. I didn't mind and the trip did not disappoint.

I was her only student and rather than working a routine on a mat with just us, we walked across the street to a restaurant, almost empty and containing mostly workers. We had drinks and we talked. She is an amazingly wide-ranging person with so many interests and skills. It was really a wonderful evening.

The drive home was challenging but without incident as the roads were covered but quite passable. Only cause worry was in KSq when I was on an incline and the wheels spinning for a minute and when I left and turned the wrong way and had to pull a U-turn. Otherwise, it was a beautiful evening. I love to drive in the snow with moderation. 

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