Friday, January 31, 2014

30 January 2014: Thursday ... chill, sunlit shadows of moi-meme et mon chien a Facebook ... sand vacuuming in waiting room ... oil burner off ... onto yoga with mat ... mom has ski hat on for chill

A new approach to the blog ... 5 events listed, at least, during the day as a way of remembering what went on, much like listing 5 things that you are thankful for, an idea proposed at a Church service some weeks ago and done on a "few" occasions:
  1. We ran out of fuel oil this morning and the burner quit. I tried the restart button, which you should press only once, and it started only to quit a few moments later. Called Shellhorn and Hill and they arrived posthaste that morning (had planned on yoga but never made it) and discovered the paucity of the black stuff, which is in short supply. They only gave us 100 gallons last fill-up and wrote on the slip ("not full" or something to that effect). Well, within hours and we had about 5 as the technician put 5 gallons into the tank (they keep a supply of 70 gallons on their truck for just such occasions) and you get about an hour for each gallon, he said, the filling truck arrived and gave us the oil we needed and we are back to 70 degrees. We were down to about 60 degrees and I had a ski hat on mom, which pushed her hair in all contorted directions when she removed it later (amusing).
  2. Traci, a Delaware Hospice RN, called on her way back from Dover to say that she'd be by to get blood from mom. She did and mom enjoyed, as she does all who visit her to care for her (and the DH people do care and enjoy talking with mom), the visit. The blood will go to LabCorp but I guess the days of seeing Lisa, mostly, are over. Also, she'll get her blood drawn every two weeks and not every week. Traci had a couple of years under her belt at DH but worked as an ER nurse at Christiana Hospital for 11 years where she saw patients die from a gunshot would to the leg. Cannot imagine what she encountered in that venue of medical trauma.

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