Sunday, January 26, 2014

25 January 2014: Saturday ... Dickinson Theatre Organ Society, a 1st for me at my alma mater ...

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Organist Steven Ball had to battle the vagaries of
technology during his splendid, totally-by-heart two-hour plus
concert at John Dickinson's Theatre Organ Society series
this evening. The microphone malfunctioned more than once
and the silent film, Sherlock, Jr., by Buster Keaton, had
to be restarted as the wrong film came up first in the second
half of the program.

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A camera above gave you a bird's eye view of the console and all the various fingerings and changes that organist Steven Ball had to negotiate in playing the Dickinson Kimball Theatre Organ. Quite a feat.

Console of the Grand Dickinson Organ built by the W.W. Kimball Company.

Buster Keaton in Sherlock Jr. 

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