Saturday, May 24, 2014

24 May 2014: Saturday ... Brunch at the Hayman/Eakin home ... Dancer's doppelganger ... riding bikes with Katia ... 81-year-old pushing a crippled pug ... working together to assemble bike rack ... documentary of wild child & Jill Bolte Taylor (hope and peace)

Dancer & Buddy are the same coloration, exactly, and
seem to mirror one another. Amazing likeness in two dogs at Bob and Alice's brunch and conversation.

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Katia got to attend to both Goldens in the passageway
between the kitchen and the sun room of the Hayman/Eakin home.

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The wonderful outdoors of the Hayman/Eakin historic home site across from Mt. Pleasant HS, where Caleb will be staring in the baccalaureate program this fall as a freshman.

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Bob was smitten, as I knew he would be, with Katia.

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Hayman/Eakin/Buddy Family portrait at end of brunch and visit this Saturday, early pm, 24 May 2014.

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Katia communes with Buddy before our departure from the Hayman/Eakin household after brunch/visit.

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After brunch at the Hayman/Eakin home, we traveled back to Limestone Gardens to feed and converse with mom. Afterward, we drove back to north Wilmington and rode bikes for the evening until time to head back to LG and get dinner and meds for mom. All in all, an enchanting day. 

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