Tuesday, December 17, 2013

17 December 2013: Tuesday ...

The bridge from Sherwood Park to St.John the Beloved School grounds on a chilly and icy
night where one had to watch where one walked and not hit black ice.

I'm killing myself over not writing in this blog because I don't have the discipline or the will or the courage to write down what I've done or more importantly, what I am feeling during the day.

Shortly after the walk across over this bridge to a surprisingly busy school building where teachers and students were busy in classrooms and the parking lot was fairly full at around 7 p.m. in the evening, I pulled out dad's handkerchief for the first time from the pocket of my new denim jeans (ordered from L. L. Bean by my well-dressed brother, who loves the site and where you can return an item at any time) and wiped my nose. It was nostalgic and oddly, felt good as I turned down Milltown and then onto Owen for a walk through Maplecrest and then back into Limestone Gardens for a total walk of 2.74 miles at its conclusion ... "YOU DID IT!!!" over the digifit app. Yes, I did do it. Made this experience appear in words and perhaps indelible. I want to keep that handkerchief as long as it holds out as it was in the pocket of the pajama top he wore at his death, now 10 days ago. Soon it will be 10 years and I will be, who knows where. 

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